![Thumbnail image for Scrivener-Icon.png]()
As the years wear on, my esteem grows for the writing program
Scrivener as the single best bargain ever offered in the software world. And I mean: ever. It was originally for the Mac but now comes in a Windows version; it costs all of $45; and it is a program that seems ideally tailored for the way that many writers, including me, would like to approach their work. You can see its (quite impressive) list of testimonials
here; read a detailed description of its power from a U Chicago student, Noah Ennis,
here; and consider some previous discussion
here and
here. I've now written two books, two or three dozen Atlantic articles, and many other reports and presentations with Scrivener. I was pleased that its creator, Keith Blount of Cornwall, England, appeared i
n this space as a guest blogger two years ago.
There is a new entry in the lineup from
Literature and Latte, Blount's little software company. It is called
Scapple, and I mentioned it earlier, during its beta period,
here. It costs all of $15 (technically $14.99), and if you have any interest in software or idea-sketching, and if you are using a Mac, you would be crazy not to try it out. I'm using it right now for a big forthcoming project.
That is all.