This morning I posted a form, conveniently re-offered at the bottom of this item, soliciting suggestions for cities we should consider for our road-trip-by-small-plane American Futures project.
The ideas have arrived at an amazing and highly heartening rate. Just now on our special project site I put up a map marking some of the suggestions we'd received in the first 90 minutes or so. Here is a static screen shot to give you the idea; a "live" version, on which you can pan around and see each city's name, is at the project site.
The explanations of why cities should go on the list have been fascinating, amusing (about a northern California town, "One word: Marijuana"), mordant, and overall a reminder of what a big surprising country we live in. Keep them coming, and thanks to everyone who has written in so far. And because there is nothing wrong with repetition when you believe what you're saying, here is the form again. (And update/PS: for the record, the city that has received by far the most multiple nominations at this point is ... Trinidad, Colorado.)