Our Washington Ideas Forum is in full swing; big and absorbing day just wrapped up, of which you can read the details here.
Tomorrow morning, October 1, at 9:00am Eastern time I’m going to be doing a live interview with Al Gore. He has some news to announce, which I happen to know because I describe all the background to that news in a big story in the forthcoming November issue of the magazine. (If you !subscribe! online now, that issue might even be the first one to come direct to your door. Or I can send you a personalized link at the time.)
No, no, no — even though this is a conference in D.C., the news does not concern whether he is about to join Joe Biden in the ranks of two-term vice presidents hovering around the 2016 race. He has been there, done that. (But for form’s sake, of course I’ll have to ask.) It’s about a completely different topic of potentially very broad significance. You can watch online tomorrow here.